Bookkeeping Service


Special Price Course  : from 1,500 yen / month

Please fulfill the cash book by yourself and you save money

Easy Course : from 3,000 yen / month

deputize all fulfillment (from collecting and organizing receipt to inputting to the accounting software)

 exclude tax


Number of journal entries

Special Price Course

Easy Course

Organizing Receipts


1500 yen/month

3000 yen/month

3000 yen/month


5000 yen/month

10000 yen/month

3000 yen/month


7500 yen/month

15000 yen/month

7500 yen/month


10000 yen/month

20000 yen/month

10000 yen/month


15000 yen/month

30000 yen/month

15000 yen/month


20000 yen/month

40000 yen/month

20000 yen/month


25000 yen/month

50000 yen/month

25000 yen/month

Over 500

Please contact us


Organizing Receipts is a service that every receipts are sent to you in an organized and filed way. This manner gives a better impression in tax investigation.



We have other optional services below.


optional services


English Support

Input an accounting software in English

English Report Option

Prepare report for the head office in English

Express Option

Deliver trial balances within 5days
Deliver trial balances within 10days

Receipt organization support Option

Organize receipts and bills and output on Excel Book

Accrual Basis Option 

Apply accrual basis to interim reporting

Department Sort Option

Calculate a profitandloss statement by each department

Monthly Depreciation Option

Calculate and book depreciation monthly

Monthly Inventory Option

Calculate and book inventory monthly

Budgeting Control Option

Set budget and output the comparison between
budgets and actual results

Cash Flow Statement Option

Output statement of cash receipts and disbursement

Management Analysis Option

Output Management Analysis Report


Payroll Service


Payroll Service from 1,000 yen / person per month


                        (Initial Cost: 1,000 yen)


Output the basic information and calculate the gross amount of payroll, the tax and insurance, and the deduction and withholding.


Payroll Account Service : from 500 yen /person per month 

Transfer your employee's salary to their bank account.


Pay slip Mailing Service from 5,000 yen /up to 10 people per month

Mail the pay slip to individual address.


Bonus Calculation 500 yen / person per month

Calculate the base bonus, deduction, and the gross amount.


Issuing an Invoice Service

(Basic rate)

9,800 yen each up to10 cases

additional 5,000 yen for every5 cases after 11th case

 Issue an invoice is basically once a month.

 We can customize the number of time to issue an invoice if you need.   ex) restaurant business(Settlement of expenses)

If any costs on envelopes and stamps are incurred, we will pay for it and send a bill to you in next month.

Transferring Payment Service

Transfer a payment to each financial institution and process paying-in on your behalf.

 Use Internet banking basically.

-Feel free to ask if you take any other payment means.


Payment Schedule Preparation Service from 3,000 yen/ up to 30 payments


Internet banking payment Service from 1,000 yen / up to 10 payments



For further information, please see the links below!




Office Information

Why Us?




Customer voice お客様の声
医院長 北島 一 様




Specialist 専門家


石井慎太郎 氏

noguchi sensei.jpg

野口紀央 氏

ito sensei.png

伊東誠太郎 氏

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平山剛 氏

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